so, i've had these kittens for about a week now and they seemed to be
litter trained. but the other day i noticed a bunch of pee spots on
our sleeeping bag that was in the same room as the litter box. Are
they just marking their territory or are they upset, or whats going
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It is, of course, impossible for an outsider to know for sure if your
kittens have been litter trained. However, if they came from a responsible,
caring source where the kittens remained with their mother for fully the
first 8 weeks of their lives, then they are almost certainly litter trained.
Also, if you gained the impression that they were litter trained, this would
seem to reinforce that probability.
Because it is not clear in your question, I'm assuming you have two kittens,
this being the usual quota for basic companionship.
You don't say if the kittens are both male, both female or one of each, and
this may be significant. Two male cats living together will *certainly*
need to establish their individual territories; to a lesser degree it will
be true of 2 females or a male/female pair. The most notable message you
send is: plural kittens ...*single* litter box. For territorial harmony
(not to mention hygiene), it is essential that each kit has its own litter
box. It is also unclear why your sleeping bag is in the same room as their
litter box. I will make the assumption (for now) that both are in a
laundry/utility room.
I wonder, then, if the sleeping bag was in a laundry basket which may have
been perceived as a second litter box? This seems the most likely scenario.
The easiest way to prove this would be to provide a second litter box
(indeed, as many litter boxes as you have kittens), and see if the problem
is resolved. It is essential that your sleeping bag is removed and cleaned,
so that the kitten(s) do not recognise their scent and return to pee on it.
Once you have corrected the litter box shortage, apply basic toilet training
practice by introducing each of the kits to their own litter box a)when
they wake after sleeping, and b)after each meal. Each time you introduce
them to their litter boxes and they start 'treading' and peeing (and so
on!), encourage them by saying "good puss", then leave them to be private
(well, would you want to be watched?!). You may only need to do this for a
few days until you see proper toileting behaviour return.
Inappropriate toileting is also displayed by distressed cats suffering from
urinary tract disorder, among other things. However, this usually occurs
in much older cats. In kittens, it is much more likely to be a behavioural
problem. If I have made the correct assumptions, do follow the above
advice, and I think your problem will be resolved. If not, please post more
information so I, or others, can respond in a more helpful way.
All the best to you and your kitties,